Quickstart ========== Running an experiment +++++++++++++++++++++ With existing implementations of optimizees and optimizers: * See :ref:`l2l-experiments` for an example implementation of an L2L experiment with an arbitrary `Optimizee` and `Optimizer`. The source code also contains `many examples `_ of scripts for various combinations of Optimizees and Optimizers. * See :ref:`data-postprocessing` for details on how to use the generated data for plots and analysis. Writing Optimizees and Optimizers +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * See :class:`~l2l.optimizees.functions.optimizee.FunctionGeneratorOptimizee` for an example of an `Optimizee` (based on simple function minimization). * See :class:`~l2l.optimizers.simulatedannealing.optimizer.SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer` for an example of an implementation of simulated annealing `Optimizer`.