L2L ExperimentsΒΆ
This is template script for setting up an experiment using an arbitrary Optimizer and Optimizee.
For actual examples, see bin/l2l-fun-sa.py
or bin/l2l-lsm-sa.py
This file is a typical example of a script used to run a L2L experiment. Read the comments in the file for more
import logging.config
from l2l.utils.environment import Environment
from l2l.logging_tools import create_shared_logger_data, configure_loggers
from l2l.optimizees.optimizee import Optimizee
from l2l.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer, OptimizerParameters
from l2l.paths import Paths
import l2l.utils.JUBE_runner as jube
# We first setup the logger and read the logging config which controls the verbosity and destination of the logs from
# various parts of the code.
logger = logging.getLogger('bin.l2l-optimizee-optimizer')
def main():
# TODO when using the template: Give some *meaningful* name here
name = 'L2L'
# TODO when using the template: make a path.conf file and write the root path there
with open('bin/path.conf') as f:
root_dir_path = f.read().strip()
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError(
"You have not set the root path to store your results."
" Write the path to a path.conf text file in the bin directory"
" before running the simulation"
paths = Paths(name, dict(run_no='test'), root_dir_path=root_dir_path)
# Load the logging config which tells us where and what to log (loglevel, destination)
print("All output logs can be found in directory ", paths.logs_path)
# Create an environment that handles running our simulation
# This initializes an environment. This environment is based on the Pypet implementation.
# Uncomment 'freeze_input', 'multipproc', 'use_scoop' and 'wrap_mode' lines to disable running the experiment
# across cores and nodes.
env = Environment(trajectory=name, filename=paths.output_dir_path, file_title='{} data'.format(name),
comment='{} data'.format(name),
log_stdout=False, # Sends stdout to logs
create_shared_logger_data(logger_names=['bin', 'optimizers'],
log_levels=['INFO', 'INFO'],
log_to_consoles=[True, True],
# Get the trajectory from the environment.
traj = env.trajectory
# Set JUBE params
traj.f_add_parameter_group("JUBE_params", "Contains JUBE parameters")
# Scheduler parameters
# These parameters need to be filled in when using a scheduler
# Name of the scheduler
# traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "scheduler", "Slurm")
# Command to submit jobs to the schedulers
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "submit_cmd", "sbatch")
# Template file for the particular scheduler
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "job_file", "job.run")
# Number of nodes to request for each run
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "nodes", "1")
# Requested time for the compute resources
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "walltime", "00:01:00")
# MPI Processes per node
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "ppn", "1")
# CPU cores per MPI process
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "cpu_pp", "1")
# Threads per process
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "threads_pp", "1")
# Type of emails to be sent from the scheduler
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "mail_mode", "ALL")
# Email to notify events from the scheduler
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "mail_address", "s.diaz@fz-juelich.de")
# These parameters need to be filled in always because JUBE takes care of exploring all the required
# parameters from the optimizer
# Error file for the job
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "err_file", "stderr")
# Output file for the job
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "out_file", "stdout")
# JUBE parameters for multiprocessing. Relevant even without scheduler.
# MPI Processes per job
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "tasks_per_job", "1")
# The execution command
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "exec", "mpirun python3 " + root_dir_path +
# Ready file for a generation
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "ready_file", root_dir_path + "/readyfiles/ready_w_")
# Path where the job will be executed
traj.f_add_parameter_to_group("JUBE_params", "work_path", root_dir_path)
## Innerloop simulator
# TODO when using the template: Change the optimizee to the appropriate Optimizee class
optimizee = Optimizee(traj)
# Prepare optimizee for jube runs
jube.prepare_optimizee(optimizee, root_dir_path)
## Outerloop optimizer initialization
# TODO when using the template: Change the optimizer to the appropriate Optimizer class
# and use the right value for optimizee_fitness_weights. Length is the number of dimensions of fitness, and
# negative value implies minimization and vice versa
optimizer_parameters = OptimizerParameters()
optimizer = Optimizer(traj, optimizee.create_individual, (1.0,), optimizer_parameters)
# Add post processing
# Run the simulation with all parameter combinations
## Outerloop optimizer end
# Finally disable logging and close all log-files
if __name__ == '__main__':