Source code for l2l.optimizers.crossentropy.distribution

import abc
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta

import numpy as np
import sklearn.mixture

logger = logging.getLogger('optimizers.crossentropy.distribution')

[docs]class Distribution(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Generic base for a distribution. Needs to implement the functions fit and sample. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def init_random_state(self, random_state): """ Used to initialize the random number generator which is used to fit/sample data. Note that if the random_state is already set, this raises an `AssertionError`. The reason this is not a part of the constructor is that the distribution random state must be initialized only by the optimizer and not in the main function (where it is constructed). It is essential to call this function before using the distribution :param random_state: An instance of class:`numpy.random.RandomState` """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, data_list): """This function fits the distributions parameters to the given samples in maximum likelihood fashion. :param data_list: A list or array of individuals to fit to. :return dict: a dict describing the current parametrization """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sample(self, n_individuals): """Samples n_individuals from the current parametrized distribution. :param n_individuals: An integer specifying the amount of individuals to sample :return: A list or array of n_individuals """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_params(self): """ :return: the parametrization of the distribution as a dict """ pass
[docs]class Gaussian(Distribution): """ Gaussian distribution. """ def __init__(self): self.random_state = None self.mean = None self.cov = None
[docs] def init_random_state(self, random_state): assert self.random_state is None, "The random_state has already been set for the distribution" assert isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState) self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def get_params(self): params_dict_items = [("distribution_name", self.__class__.__name__)] return dict(params_dict_items)
[docs] def fit(self, data_list, smooth_update=0): """ Fit a gaussian distribution to the given data :param data_list: list or numpy array with individuals as rows :param smooth_update: determines to which extent the new samples account for the new distribution. default is 0 -> old parameters are fully discarded :return dict: specifying current parametrization """ assert self.random_state is not None, \ "The random_state for the distribution has not been set, call the" \ " 'init_random_state' member function to set it" mean = np.mean(data_list, axis=0) cov_mat = np.cov(data_list, rowvar=False) if self.mean is None: self.mean = mean self.cov = cov_mat self.mean = smooth_update * self.mean + (1 - smooth_update) * mean self.cov = smooth_update * self.cov + (1 - smooth_update) * cov_mat logger.debug('Gaussian center\n%s', self.mean) logger.debug('Gaussian cov\n%s', self.cov) return {'mean': self.mean, 'covariance_matrix': self.cov}
[docs] def sample(self, n_individuals): """Sample n_individuals individuals under the current parametrization :param n_individuals: number of individuals to sample. :return: numpy array with n_individual rows of individuals """ assert self.random_state is not None, \ "The random_state for the distribution has not been set, call the" \ " 'init_random_state' member function to set it" return self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov, n_individuals)
[docs]class BayesianGaussianMixture(Distribution): """ BayesianGaussianMixture from sklearn Unlike normal Gaussian mixture, the algorithm has tendency to set the weights of non present modes close to zero. Meaning that it effectively inferences the number of active modes present in the given data. :param n_components: components of the mixture model :param kwargs: Additional arguments that get passed on to :class:`sklearn.mixture.BayesianGaussianMixture` """ def __init__(self, n_components=2, **kwargs): self.random_state = None self.bayesian_mixture = sklearn.mixture.BayesianGaussianMixture( n_components, weight_concentration_prior_type='dirichlet_distribution', random_state=self.random_state, **kwargs) # taken from check_fitted function of BaysianGaussianMixture in the sklearn repository self.parametrization = ('covariances_', 'means_', 'weight_concentration_', 'weights_', 'mean_precision_', 'degrees_of_freedom_', 'precisions_', 'precisions_cholesky_') self.n_components = n_components
[docs] def init_random_state(self, random_state): assert self.random_state is None, "The random_state has already been set for the distribution" assert isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState) self.random_state = random_state self.bayesian_mixture.random_state = self.random_state
def _postprocess_fitted(self, model): """ postprocesses the fitted model, adding the possibility to add noise or something """ pass def _append_additional_parameters(self, distribution_parameters): """ appends additional parametrization :param distribution_parameters: the dictionary that contains the distributions parametrization """ pass
[docs] def get_params(self): params_dict_items = [("distribution_name", self.__class__.__name__), ("n_components", self.n_components)] return dict(params_dict_items)
[docs] def fit(self, data_list, smooth_update=0): """ Fits data_list on the parametrized model :param data_list: list or numpy array with individuals as rows :param smooth_update: determines to which extent the new samples account for the new distribution. :return: dict specifiying current parametrization """ assert self.random_state is not None, \ "The random_state for the distribution has not been set, call the" \ " 'init_random_state' member function to set it" old = self.bayesian_mixture self._postprocess_fitted(self.bayesian_mixture) distribution_parameters = dict() # smooth update and fill out distribution parameters dict to return # distribution parameters can also be tuples of ndarray for p in self.parametrization: hdf_name = p.rstrip('_') # remove sklearn trailing underscore orig = getattr(old, p) new = getattr(self.bayesian_mixture, p) if isinstance(orig, tuple): mix = tuple(smooth_update * a + (1 - smooth_update) * b for a, b in zip(orig, new)) for index in range(len(mix)): distribution_parameters[hdf_name + '_' + str(index)] = mix[index] else: mix = smooth_update * orig + (1 - smooth_update) * new distribution_parameters[hdf_name] = mix setattr(self.bayesian_mixture, p, mix) if p == 'covariances_': logger.debug('New covariances:\n%s', str(mix)) elif p == 'means_': logger.debug('New means:\n%s', str(mix)) self._append_additional_parameters(distribution_parameters) return distribution_parameters
[docs] def sample(self, n_individuals): """ Sample n_individuals individuals under the current parametrization :param n_individuals: number of individuals to sample :return: numpy array with n_individuals rows of individuals """ assert self.random_state is not None, \ "The random_state for the distribution has not been set, call the" \ " 'init_random_state' member function to set it" individuals, _ = self.bayesian_mixture.sample(n_individuals) return individuals
[docs]class NoisyBayesianGaussianMixture(BayesianGaussianMixture): """ NoisyBayesianGaussianMixture is basically the same as BayesianGaussianMixture but superimposed with noise :param n_components: number of components in the mixture model :param noise_magnitude: scalar factor that affects the magnitude of noise applied on the fitted distribution parameters+ :param coordinate_scale: This should be a vector representing the scaling of the coordinates. The noise applied to each coordinate `i` is noise_magnitude * coordinate_scale[i] Defaults to 1 for each coordinate. :param noise_decay: factor that will decay the additive noise :param kwargs: additional arguments that get passed on to :class:`.BayesianGaussianMixture` distribution """ def __init__(self, n_components, noise_magnitude=1.0, coordinate_scale=None, noise_decay=0.95, **kwargs): BayesianGaussianMixture.__init__(self, n_components=n_components, **kwargs) self.noise_decay = noise_decay self.noise_magnitude = np.float64(noise_magnitude) if coordinate_scale is None: self.coordinate_scale = np.float64(1) else: self.coordinate_scale = np.array(coordinate_scale).astype(np.float64) self.current_noise_magnitude = self.noise_magnitude self.noise_value = None # list containing the additive noise values for each component def _postprocess_fitted(self, model): """ adds noise to the diagonalized components :param model: the considered model """ if hasattr(model, 'covariances_'): self.noise_value = [] n_dims = model.covariances_[0].shape[0] for i, cov in enumerate(model.covariances_): current_noise_value = \ np.abs(self.random_state.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.current_noise_magnitude * self.coordinate_scale, size=n_dims)) self.noise_value.append(current_noise_value) model.covariances_[i] += np.diag(current_noise_value) self.current_noise_magnitude *= self.noise_decay def _append_additional_parameters(self, distribution_parameters): """ appends noise parameters :param distribution_parameters: the dictionary that contains the distributions parametrization """ distribution_parameters['noise_value'] = np.array(self.noise_value)
[docs] def get_params(self): params_dict = super().get_params() params_dict.update(dict(distribution_name=self.__class__.__name__, noise_magnitude=self.noise_magnitude, coordinate_scale=self.coordinate_scale, noise_decay=self.noise_decay)) return dict(params_dict)
[docs]class NoisyGaussian(Gaussian): """ Additive Noisy Gaussian distribution. The initialization of its noise components happens during the first fit where the magnitude of the noise in each diagonalized component is estimated. :param noise_magnitude: scalar factor that affects the magnitude of noise applied on the distribution parameters :param coordinate_scale: This should be a vector representing the scaling of the coordinates. The noise applied to each coordinate `i` is `noise_magnitude*coordinate_scale[i]` :param noise_decay: Multiplicative decay of the noise components """ def __init__(self, noise_magnitude=1.0, coordinate_scale=None, noise_decay=0.95): Gaussian.__init__(self) self.noise_decay = noise_decay self.noise_magnitude = np.float64(noise_magnitude) if coordinate_scale is None: self.coordinate_scale = np.float64(1) else: self.coordinate_scale = np.array(coordinate_scale).astype(np.float64) self.current_noise_magnitude = self.noise_magnitude self.noise_value = None # vector containing the self.noisy_cov = None
[docs] def get_params(self): params_dict = super().get_params() params_dict.update(dict(distribution_name=self.__class__.__name__, noise_magnitude=self.noise_magnitude, coordinate_scale=self.coordinate_scale, noise_decay=self.noise_decay)) return params_dict
[docs] def fit(self, data_list, smooth_update=0): """ Fits the parameters to the given data (see :class:`.Gaussian`) and additionally adds noise in form of variance to the covariance matrix. Also, the noise is decayed after each step :param data_list: Data to be fitted to :param smooth_update: Smooth the parameter update with regard to the previous configuration :return dict: describing parameter configuration """ assert self.random_state is not None, \ "The random_state for the distribution has not been set, call the" \ " 'init_random_state' member function to set it", data_list, smooth_update) n_dims = self.cov.shape[0] self.noise_value = np.abs( self.random_state.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.current_noise_magnitude * self.coordinate_scale, size=n_dims)) self.noisy_cov = self.cov + np.diag(self.noise_value) self.current_noise_magnitude *= self.noise_decay logger.debug('Noisy cov\n%s', self.noisy_cov) return {'mean': self.mean, 'covariance_matrix': self.noisy_cov, 'noise_value': self.noise_value}
[docs] def sample(self, n_individuals): """ Samples from current parametrization :return: n_individuals Individuals """ assert self.random_state is not None, \ "The random_state for the distribution has not been set, call the" \ " 'init_random_state' member function to set it" return self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.noisy_cov, n_individuals)