Source code for l2l.optimizers.gradientdescent.optimizer

import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from l2l import dict_to_list
from l2l import list_to_dict
from l2l.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer

logger = logging.getLogger("optimizers.gradientdescent")

ClassicGDParameters = namedtuple(
    ['learning_rate', 'exploration_step_size', 'n_random_steps', 'n_iteration', 'stop_criterion', 'seed'])
ClassicGDParameters.__doc__ = """
:param learning_rate: The rate of learning per step of gradient descent
:param exploration_step_size: The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient
:param n_random_steps: The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient
:param n_iteration: number of iteration to perform
:param stop_criterion: Stop if change in fitness is below this value

StochasticGDParameters = namedtuple(
    ['learning_rate', 'stochastic_deviation', 'stochastic_decay', 'exploration_step_size', 'n_random_steps', 'n_iteration',
     'stop_criterion', 'seed'])
StochasticGDParameters.__doc__ = """
:param learning_rate: The rate of learning per step of gradient descent
:param stochastic_deviation: The standard deviation of the random vector used to perturbate the gradient
:param stochastic_decay: The decay of the influence of the random vector that is added to the gradient 
    (set to 0 to disable stochastic perturbation)
:param exploration_step_size: The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient
:param n_random_steps: The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient
:param n_iteration: number of iteration to perform
:param stop_criterion: Stop if change in fitness is below this value

AdamParameters = namedtuple(
    ['learning_rate', 'exploration_step_size', 'n_random_steps', 'first_order_decay', 'second_order_decay', 'n_iteration',
     'stop_criterion', 'seed'])
AdamParameters.__doc__ = """
:param learning_rate: The rate of learning per step of gradient descent
:param exploration_step_size: The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient
:param n_random_steps: The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient
:param first_order_decay: Specifies the amount of decay of the historic first order momentum per gradient descent step
:param second_order_decay: Specifies the amount of decay of the historic second order momentum per gradient descent step
:param n_iteration: number of iteration to perform
:param stop_criterion: Stop if change in fitness is below this value


RMSPropParameters = namedtuple(
    ['learning_rate', 'exploration_step_size', 'n_random_steps', 'momentum_decay', 'n_iteration', 'stop_criterion', 'seed'])
RMSPropParameters.__doc__ = """
:param learning_rate: The rate of learning per step of gradient descent
:param exploration_step_size: The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient
:param n_random_steps: The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient
:param momentum_decay: Specifies the decay of the historic momentum at each gradient descent step
:param n_iteration: number of iteration to perform
:param stop_criterion: Stop if change in fitness is below this value
:param seed: The random seed used for random number generation in the optimizer

[docs]class GradientDescentOptimizer(Optimizer): """ Class for a generic gradient descent solver. In the pseudo code the algorithm does: For n iterations do: - Explore the fitness of individuals in the close vicinity of the current one - Calculate the gradient based on these fitnesses. - Create the new 'current individual' by taking a step in the parameters space along the direction of the largest ascent of the plane NOTE: This expects all parameters of the system to be of floating point :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: Use this trajectory to store the parameters of the specific runs. The parameters should be initialized based on the values in `parameters` :param optimizee_create_individual: Function that creates a new individual :param optimizee_fitness_weights: Fitness weights. The fitness returned by the Optimizee is multiplied by these values (one for each element of the fitness vector) :param parameters: Instance of :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :class:`.ClassicGDParameters`, :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :class:`.StochasticGDParameters`, :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :class:`.RMSPropParameters` or :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :class:`.AdamParameters` containing the parameters needed by the Optimizer. The type of this parameter is used to select one of the GD variants. """ def __init__(self, traj, optimizee_create_individual, optimizee_fitness_weights, parameters, optimizee_bounding_func=None): super().__init__(traj, optimizee_create_individual=optimizee_create_individual, optimizee_fitness_weights=optimizee_fitness_weights, parameters=parameters, optimizee_bounding_func=optimizee_bounding_func) self.optimizee_bounding_func = optimizee_bounding_func traj.f_add_parameter('learning_rate', parameters.learning_rate, comment='Value of learning rate') traj.f_add_parameter('exploration_step_size', parameters.exploration_step_size, comment='Standard deviation of the random steps') traj.f_add_parameter('n_random_steps', parameters.n_random_steps, comment='Amount of random steps taken for calculating the gradient') traj.f_add_parameter('n_iteration', parameters.n_iteration, comment='Number of iteration to perform') traj.f_add_parameter('stop_criterion', parameters.stop_criterion, comment='Stopping criterion parameter') traj.f_add_parameter('seed', np.uint32(parameters.seed), comment='Optimizer random seed') _, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec = dict_to_list(self.optimizee_create_individual(), get_dict_spec=True) self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=traj.par.seed) # Note that this array stores individuals as an np.array of floats as opposed to Individual-Dicts # This is because this array is used within the context of the gradient descent algorithm and # Thus needs to handle the optimizee individuals as vectors self.current_individual = np.array(dict_to_list(self.optimizee_create_individual())) # Depending on the algorithm used, initialize the necessary variables self.updateFunction = None if type(parameters) is ClassicGDParameters: self.init_classic_gd(parameters, traj) elif type(parameters) is StochasticGDParameters: self.init_stochastic_gd(parameters, traj) elif type(parameters) is AdamParameters: self.init_adam(parameters, traj) elif type(parameters) is RMSPropParameters: self.init_rmsprop(parameters, traj) else: raise Exception('Class of the provided "parameters" argument is not among the supported types') # Added a generation-wise parameter logging traj.results.f_add_result_group('generation_params', comment='This contains the optimizer parameters that are' ' common across a generation') # Explore the neighbourhood in the parameter space of current individual new_individual_list = [ list_to_dict(self.current_individual + self.random_state.normal(0.0, parameters.exploration_step_size, self.current_individual.size), self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec) for i in range(parameters.n_random_steps) ] # Also add the current individual to determine it's fitness new_individual_list.append(list_to_dict(self.current_individual, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec)) if optimizee_bounding_func is not None: new_individual_list = [self.optimizee_bounding_func(ind) for ind in new_individual_list] # Storing the fitness of the current individual self.current_fitness = -np.Inf self.g = 0 self.eval_pop = new_individual_list self._expand_trajectory(traj)
[docs] def post_process(self, traj, fitnesses_results): """ See :meth:`~l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer.post_process` """ old_eval_pop = self.eval_pop.copy() self.eval_pop.clear()" Evaluating %i individuals" % len(fitnesses_results)) assert len(fitnesses_results) - 1 == traj.n_random_steps # We need to collect the directions of the random steps along with the fitness evaluated there fitnesses = np.zeros((traj.n_random_steps)) dx = np.zeros((traj.n_random_steps, len(self.current_individual))) weighted_fitness_list = [] for i, (run_index, fitness) in enumerate(fitnesses_results): # We need to convert the current run index into an ind_idx # (index of individual within one generation traj.v_idx = run_index ind_index = traj.par.ind_idx individual = old_eval_pop[ind_index] traj.f_add_result('$set.$.individual', individual) traj.f_add_result('$set.$.fitness', fitness) weighted_fitness =, self.optimizee_fitness_weights) weighted_fitness_list.append(weighted_fitness) # The last element of the list is the evaluation of the individual obtained via gradient descent if i == len(fitnesses_results) - 1: self.current_fitness = weighted_fitness else: fitnesses[i] = weighted_fitness dx[i] = np.array(dict_to_list(individual)) - self.current_individual traj.v_idx = -1 # set the trajectory back to default # Performs descending arg-sort of weighted fitness fitness_sorting_indices = list(reversed(np.argsort(weighted_fitness_list))) old_eval_pop_as_array = np.array([dict_to_list(x) for x in old_eval_pop]) # Sorting the data according to fitness sorted_population = old_eval_pop_as_array[fitness_sorting_indices] sorted_fitness = np.asarray(weighted_fitness_list)[fitness_sorting_indices]"-- End of generation %d --", self.g)" Evaluated %d individuals", len(fitnesses_results))' Average Fitness: %.4f', np.mean(sorted_fitness))" Current fitness is %.2f", self.current_fitness)' Best Fitness: %.4f', sorted_fitness[0])" Best individual is %s", sorted_population[0]) generation_result_dict = { 'generation': self.g, 'current_fitness': self.current_fitness, 'best_fitness_in_run': sorted_fitness[0], 'average_fitness_in_run': np.mean(sorted_fitness), } generation_name = 'generation_{}'.format(self.g) traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result_group(generation_name) traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result( generation_name + '.algorithm_params', generation_result_dict)"-- End of iteration {}, current fitness is {} --".format(self.g, self.current_fitness)) if self.g < traj.n_iteration - 1 and traj.stop_criterion > self.current_fitness: # Create new individual using the appropriate gradient descent self.update_function(traj,, fitnesses - self.current_fitness)) current_individual_dict = list_to_dict(self.current_individual, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec) if self.optimizee_bounding_func is not None: current_individual_dict = self.optimizee_bounding_func(current_individual_dict) self.current_individual = np.array(dict_to_list(current_individual_dict)) # Explore the neighbourhood in the parameter space of the current individual new_individual_list = [ list_to_dict(self.current_individual + self.random_state.normal(0.0, traj.exploration_step_size, self.current_individual.size), self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec) for _ in range(traj.n_random_steps) ] if self.optimizee_bounding_func is not None: new_individual_list = [self.optimizee_bounding_func(ind) for ind in new_individual_list] new_individual_list.append(current_individual_dict) fitnesses_results.clear() self.eval_pop = new_individual_list self.g += 1 # Update generation counter self._expand_trajectory(traj)
[docs] def end(self, traj): """ See :meth:`~l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer.end` """ best_last_indiv_dict = list_to_dict(self.current_individual.tolist(), self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec) traj.f_add_result('final_individual', best_last_indiv_dict) traj.f_add_result('final_fitness', self.current_fitness) traj.f_add_result('n_iteration', self.g + 1)"The last individual was %s with fitness %s", self.current_individual, self.current_fitness)"-- End of (successful) gradient descent --")
[docs] def init_classic_gd(self, parameters, traj): """ Classic Gradient Descent specific initializiation. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored. :return: """ self.update_function = self.classic_gd_update
[docs] def init_rmsprop(self, parameters, traj): """ RMSProp specific initializiation. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored. :return: """ self.update_function = self.rmsprop_update traj.f_add_parameter('momentum_decay', parameters.momentum_decay, comment='Decay of the historic momentum at each gradient descent step') = 10**(-6) # used to for numerical stabilization self.so_moment = np.zeros(len(self.current_individual)) # second order moment
[docs] def init_adam(self, parameters, traj): """ ADAM specific initializiation. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored. :return: """ self.update_function = self.adam_update traj.f_add_parameter('first_order_decay', parameters.first_order_decay, comment='Decay of the first order momentum') traj.f_add_parameter('second_order_decay', parameters.second_order_decay, comment='Decay of the second order momentum') = 10**(-8) # used for numerical stablization self.fo_moment = np.zeros(len(self.current_individual)) # first order moment self.so_moment = np.zeros(len(self.current_individual)) # second order moment
[docs] def init_stochastic_gd(self, parameters, traj): """ Stochastic Gradient Descent specific initializiation. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored. :return: """ self.update_function = self.stochastic_gd_update traj.f_add_parameter('stochastic_deviation', parameters.stochastic_deviation, comment='Standard deviation of the random vector added to the gradient') traj.f_add_parameter('stochastic_decay', parameters.stochastic_decay, comment='Decay of the random vector')
[docs] def classic_gd_update(self, traj, gradient): """ Updates the current individual using the classic Gradient Descent algorithm. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm :param ~numpy.ndarray gradient: The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual :return: """ self.current_individual += traj.learning_rate * gradient
[docs] def rmsprop_update(self, traj, gradient): """ Updates the current individual using the RMSProp algorithm. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm :param ~numpy.ndarray gradient: The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual :return: """ self.so_moment = (traj.momentum_decay * self.so_moment + (1 - traj.momentum_decay) * np.multiply(gradient, gradient)) self.current_individual += np.multiply(traj.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.so_moment +, gradient)
[docs] def adam_update(self, traj, gradient): """ Updates the current individual using the ADAM algorithm. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm :param ~numpy.ndarray gradient: The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual :return: """ self.fo_moment = (traj.first_order_decay * self.fo_moment + (1 - traj.first_order_decay) * gradient) self.so_moment = (traj.second_order_decay * self.so_moment + (1 - traj.second_order_decay) * np.multiply(gradient, gradient)) fo_moment_corrected = self.fo_moment / (1 - traj.first_order_decay ** (self.g + 1)) so_moment_corrected = self.so_moment / (1 - traj.second_order_decay ** (self.g + 1)) self.current_individual += traj.learning_rate * fo_moment_corrected / \ (np.sqrt(so_moment_corrected) +
[docs] def stochastic_gd_update(self, traj, gradient): """ Updates the current individual using a stochastic version of the gradient descent algorithm. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm :param ~numpy.ndarray gradient: The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual :return: """ gradient += (self.random_state.normal(0.0, traj.stochastic_deviation, self.current_individual.size) * traj.stochastic_decay**(self.g + 1)) self.current_individual += traj.learning_rate * gradient