import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from l2l import dict_to_list, list_to_dict
from l2l.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer
logger = logging.getLogger("optimizers.naturalevolutionstrategies")
NaturalEvolutionStrategiesParameters = namedtuple('NaturalEvolutionStrategiesParameters', [
NaturalEvolutionStrategiesParameters.__doc__ = """
:param learning_rate_mu: Learning rate for mean of distribution
:param learning_rate_sigma: Learning rate for standard deviation of distribution
:param mu: Initial mean of search distribution
:param sigma: Initial standard deviation of search distribution
:param mirrored_sampling_enabled: Should we turn on mirrored sampling i.e. sampling both e and -e
:param fitness_shaping_enabled: Should we turn on fitness shaping i.e. using only top `fitness_shaping_ratio` to update
current individual?
:param pop_size: Number of individuals per simulation.
:param n_iteration: Number of iterations to perform
:param stop_criterion: (Optional) Stop if this fitness is reached.
:param seed: The random seed used for generating new individuals
[docs]class NaturalEvolutionStrategiesOptimizer(Optimizer):
Class Implementing the separable natural evolution strategies optimizer in natural coordinates as in:
Wierstra, D., Schaul, T., Peters, J., & Schmidhuber, J. (2008). Natural evolution strategies.
In Evolutionary Computation, 2008. CEC 2008.(IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence) (pp. 3381-3387).
Glasmachers, T., Schaul, T., Yi, S., Wierstra, D., & Schmidhuber, J. (2010). Exponential natural evolution strategies.
In Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (pp. 393-400).
Wierstra, D., Schaul, T., Glasmachers, T., Sun, Y., Peters, J., & Schmidhuber, J. (2014). Natural evolution strategies.
In Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1) (pp. 949-980).
In the pseudo code the algorithm does:
For n iterations do:
- Sample individuals z from multinormal search distribution with parameters mu, sigma
s <- sample from N(0,1)
z <- mu + sigma * s
- If mirrored sampling is enabled, also sample individuals with opposite perturbations s
z <- [mu + sigma * s, mu - sigma * s]
- evaluate individuals z and get fitnesses F_i(z)
- Update the parameters of the search distribution as
mu_{t+1} <- mu_{t+1} + eta_mu * sigma * sum(F_i * s_i)
sigma_{t+1} <- sigma_t * exp(eta_sigma / 2 * sum(F_i * (s_i ** 2 - 1))
- If fitness shaping is enabled, F_i is replaced with the utility u_i in the previous step, which is calculated as:
u_i = max(0, log(n/2 + 1) - log(k)) / sum_{k=1}^{n}{max(0, log(n/2 + 1) - log(k))} - 1 / n
where k and i are the indices of the individuals in descending order of fitness F_i
:param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj:
Use this trajectory to store the parameters of the specific runs. The parameters should be
initialized based on the values in `parameters`
:param optimizee_create_individual:
Function that creates a new individual. All parameters of the Individual-Dict returned should be
of numpy.float64 type
:param optimizee_fitness_weights:
Fitness weights. The fitness returned by the Optimizee is multiplied by these values (one for each
element of the fitness vector)
:param parameters:
Instance of :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :class:`.NaturalEvolutionStrategiesParameters` containing the
parameters needed by the Optimizer
def __init__(self,
self.optimizee_bounding_func = optimizee_bounding_func
# If a parameter is set to `None`, use default value as described in Wierstra et al. (2014)
if parameters.learning_rate_mu is None:
learning_rate_mu = 1.
learning_rate_mu = parameters.learning_rate_mu
if parameters.learning_rate_sigma is None:
learning_rate_sigma = (3 + np.log(len( / (5. * np.sqrt(len(
learning_rate_sigma = parameters.learning_rate_sigma
if parameters.pop_size is None:
pop_size = 4 + int(np.floor(3 * np.log(len(
pop_size = parameters.pop_size
if pop_size < 1:
raise ValueError("pop_size needs to be greater than 0")
# The following parameters are recorded
traj.f_add_parameter('learning_rate_mu', learning_rate_mu, comment='Learning rate mu')
traj.f_add_parameter('learning_rate_sigma', learning_rate_sigma, comment='Learning rate mu')
traj.f_add_parameter('mu',, comment='Initial mean of search distribution')
traj.f_add_parameter('sigma', parameters.sigma, comment='Initial standard deviation of search distribution')
comment='Flag to enable mirrored sampling')
'fitness_shaping_enabled', parameters.fitness_shaping_enabled, comment='Flag to enable fitness shaping')
'pop_size', pop_size, comment='Number of minimal individuals simulated in each run')
traj.f_add_parameter('n_iteration', parameters.n_iteration, comment='Number of iterations to run')
'stop_criterion', parameters.stop_criterion, comment='Stop if best individual reaches this fitness')
'seed', np.uint32(parameters.seed), comment='Seed used for random number generation in optimizer')
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(traj.parameters.seed)
self.current_individual_arr, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec = dict_to_list(
self.optimizee_create_individual(), get_dict_spec=True)
comment='The dimension of the parameter space of the optimizee')
# Added a generation-wise parameter logging
comment='This contains the optimizer parameters that are'
' common across a generation')
# The following parameters are recorded as generation parameters i.e. once per generation
self.g = 0 # the current generation
self.pop_size = pop_size # Population size is dynamic in FACE
self.best_fitness_in_run = -np.inf
self.best_individual_in_run = None
# Set initial parameters of search distribution =
self.sigma = traj.sigma
# Generate initial distribution
self.current_perturbations = self._get_perturbations(traj)
current_eval_pop_arr = ( + self.sigma * self.current_perturbations).tolist()
self.eval_pop = [list_to_dict(ind, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec) for ind in current_eval_pop_arr]
# Bounding function has to be applied AFTER the individual has been converted to a dict
if optimizee_bounding_func is not None:
self.eval_pop = [self.optimizee_bounding_func(ind) for ind in self.eval_pop]
self.eval_pop_arr = np.array([dict_to_list(ind) for ind in self.eval_pop])
def _get_perturbations(self, traj):
perturbations = self.random_state.randn(traj.pop_size, *traj.dimension)
if traj.mirrored_sampling_enabled:
return np.vstack([perturbations, -perturbations])
return perturbations
[docs] def post_process(self, traj, fitnesses_results):
See :meth:`~l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer.post_process`
n_iteration, stop_criterion, fitness_shaping_enabled = \
traj.n_iteration, traj.stop_criterion, traj.fitness_shaping_enabled
weighted_fitness_list = []
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Storing run-information in the trajectory
# Reading fitnesses and performing distribution update
# **************************************************************************************************************
for run_index, fitness in fitnesses_results:
# We need to convert the current run index into an ind_idx
# (index of individual within one generation)
traj.v_idx = run_index
ind_index = traj.par.ind_idx
traj.f_add_result('$set.$.individual', self.eval_pop[ind_index])
traj.f_add_result('$set.$.fitness', fitness)
weighted_fitness_list.append(, self.optimizee_fitness_weights))
traj.v_idx = -1 # set trajectory back to default
weighted_fitness_list = np.array(weighted_fitness_list).ravel()
# NOTE: It is necessary to clear the finesses_results to clear the data in the reference, and del
# is used to make sure it's not used in the rest of this function
del fitnesses_results
# Last fitness is for the previous `current_individual_arr`
weighted_fitness_list = weighted_fitness_list[:-1]
current_individual_fitness = weighted_fitness_list[-1]
# Performs descending arg-sort of weighted fitness
fitness_sorting_indices = list(reversed(np.argsort(weighted_fitness_list)))
# Sorting the data according to fitness
sorted_population = self.eval_pop_arr[fitness_sorting_indices]
sorted_fitness = np.asarray(weighted_fitness_list)[fitness_sorting_indices]
sorted_perturbations = self.current_perturbations[fitness_sorting_indices]
self.best_individual_in_run = sorted_population[0]
self.best_fitness_in_run = sorted_fitness[0]"-- End of generation %d --", self.g)" Evaluated %d individuals", len(weighted_fitness_list) + 1)' Best Fitness: %.4f', self.best_fitness_in_run)' Average Fitness: %.4f', np.mean(sorted_fitness))
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Storing Generation Parameters / Results in the trajectory
# **************************************************************************************************************
# These entries correspond to the generation that has been simulated prior to this post-processing run
# Documentation of algorithm parameters for the current generation
# generation - The index of the evaluated generation
# best_fitness_in_run - The highest fitness among the individuals in the
# evaluated generation
# pop_size - Population size
generation_result_dict = {
'generation': self.g,
'best_fitness_in_run': self.best_fitness_in_run,
'current_individual_fitness': current_individual_fitness,
'average_fitness_in_run': np.mean(sorted_fitness),
'pop_size': self.pop_size
generation_name = 'generation_{}'.format(self.g)
generation_name + '.algorithm_params',
comment="These are the parameters that correspond to the algorithm. "
"Look at the source code for `EvolutionStrategiesOptimizer::post_process()` "
"for comments documenting these parameters"
generation_name + '.distribution_params', {'mu':, 'sigma': self.sigma.copy()},
comment="These are the parameters of the distribution that underlies the"
" currently evaluated generation")
if fitness_shaping_enabled:
fitnesses_to_fit = self._compute_utility(sorted_fitness)
fitnesses_to_fit = sorted_fitness
assert len(fitnesses_to_fit) == len(sorted_perturbations)
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Update the parameters of the search distribution using the natural gradient in natural coordinates
# ************************************************************************************************************** += traj.learning_rate_mu * traj.sigma *, sorted_perturbations)
self.sigma *= np.exp(traj.learning_rate_sigma / 2. *, sorted_perturbations ** 2 - 1.))
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Create the next generation by sampling the inferred distribution
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Note that this is only done in case the evaluated run is not the last run
# check if to stop
if self.g < n_iteration - 1 and self.best_fitness_in_run < stop_criterion:
self.current_perturbations = self._get_perturbations(traj)
current_eval_pop_arr = ( + self.sigma * self.current_perturbations).tolist()
self.eval_pop = [list_to_dict(ind, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec) for ind in current_eval_pop_arr]
# Bounding function has to be applied AFTER the individual has been converted to a dict
if self.optimizee_bounding_func is not None:
self.eval_pop = [self.optimizee_bounding_func(ind) for ind in self.eval_pop]
self.eval_pop_arr = np.array([dict_to_list(ind) for ind in self.eval_pop])
self.g += 1 # Update generation counter
def _compute_utility(self, sorted_fitness):
n_individuals = len(sorted_fitness)
sorted_utilities = np.array([max(0., np.log((n_individuals / 2) + 1) - np.log(i + 1)) for i in range(n_individuals)])
sorted_utilities /= np.sum(sorted_utilities)
sorted_utilities -= (1. / n_individuals)
return sorted_utilities
[docs] def end(self, traj):
See :meth:`~l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer.end`
best_last_indiv_dict = list_to_dict(self.best_individual_in_run.tolist(), self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec)
traj.f_add_result('final_individual', best_last_indiv_dict)
traj.f_add_result('final_fitness', self.best_fitness_in_run)
traj.f_add_result('n_iteration', self.g + 1)
# ------------ Finished all runs and print result --------------- #"-- End of (successful) ES optimization --")