Source code for l2l.optimizers.optimizer

from collections import namedtuple

from import cartesian_product

from l2l import get_grouped_dict

OptimizerParameters = namedtuple('OptimizerParamters', [])

[docs]class Optimizer: """ This is the base class for the Optimizers i.e. the outer loop algorithms. These algorithms generate parameters, \ give them to the inner loop to be evaluated, and with the resulting fitness modify the parameters in some way. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: Use this trajectory to store the parameters of the specific runs. The parameters should be initialized based on the values in :param parameters: :param optimizee_create_individual: A function which when called returns one instance of parameter (or "individual") :param optimizee_fitness_weights: The weights which should be multiplied with the fitness returned from the :class:`~l2l.optimizees.optimizee.Optimizee` -- one for each element of the fitness (fitness can be multi-dimensional). If some element is negative, the Optimizer minimizes that element of fitness instead of maximizing. By default, the `Optimizer` maximizes all fitness dimensions. :param parameters: A named tuple containing the parameters for the Optimizer class """ def __init__(self, traj, optimizee_create_individual, optimizee_fitness_weights, optimizee_bounding_func, parameters): # Creating Placeholders for individuals and results that are about to be explored traj.f_add_parameter('generation', 0, comment='Current generation') traj.f_add_parameter('ind_idx', 0, comment='Index of individual') # Initializing basic variables self.optimizee_create_individual = optimizee_create_individual self.optimizee_fitness_weights = optimizee_fitness_weights self.optimizee_bounding_func = optimizee_bounding_func self.parameters = parameters #: The current generation number self.g = None #: The population (i.e. list of individuals) to be evaluated at the next iteration self.eval_pop = None
[docs] def post_process(self, traj, fitnesses_results): """ This is the key function of this class. Given a set of :obj:`fitnesses_results`, and the :obj:`traj`, it uses the fitness to decide on the next set of parameters to be evaluated. Then it fills the :attr:`.Optimizer.eval_pop` with the list of parameters it wants evaluated at the next simulation cycle, increments :attr:`.Optimizer.g` and calls :meth:`._expand_trajectory` :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory that contains the parameters and the individual that we want to simulate. The individual is accessible using `traj.individual` and parameter e.g. param1 is accessible using `traj.param1` :param list fitnesses_results: This is a list of fitness results that contain tuples run index and the fitness. It is of the form `[(run_idx, run), ...]` """ # NOTE: Always remember to keep the following two lines. # TODO: Set eval_pop to the values of parameters you want to evaluate in the next cycle # self.eval_pop = ... self.g += 1 self._expand_trajectory(traj)
[docs] def end(self, traj): """ Run any code required to clean-up, print final individuals etc. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory that contains the parameters and the individual that we want to simulate. The individual is accessible using `traj.individual` and parameter e.g. param1 is accessible using `traj.param1` """ pass
[docs] def _expand_trajectory(self, traj): """ Add as many explored runs as individuals that need to be evaluated. Furthermore, add the individuals as explored parameters. :param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: The trajectory that contains the parameters and the individual that we want to simulate. The individual is accessible using `traj.individual` and parameter e.g. param1 is accessible using `traj.param1` :return: """ grouped_params_dict = get_grouped_dict(self.eval_pop) grouped_params_dict = {'individual.' + key: val for key, val in grouped_params_dict.items()} final_params_dict = {'generation': [self.g], 'ind_idx': range(len(self.eval_pop))} final_params_dict.update(grouped_params_dict) # We need to convert them to lists or write our own custom IndividualParameter ;-) # Note the second argument to `cartesian_product`: This is for only having the cartesian product # between ``generation x (ind_idx AND individual)``, so that every individual has just one # unique index within a generation. traj.f_expand(cartesian_product(final_params_dict, [('ind_idx',) + tuple(grouped_params_dict.keys()), 'generation']))